I will introduce the Fooplot program. Fooplot is a mathematical program about
graphing calculator. I will explain you this program with various examples and show
you what can we do with this program.
It is very useful and beneficial mahematical software for students and teachers.
Fooplot is used on the internet.
This is a free program. In other words, it does not require money for using this
Using this program is very easy and enjoyable. It helps students to draw graphs
easily while they are studying or doing homework. Teachers may use this website
to teach graphs to teach graphs about types of functions.
This picture is a free coordinate system in Fooplot. You can plot graphing of
various functions on this part.
We can change intervals of x-axis and y-axis with "window" part on this program.
We can annihilate grid, axes, tick marks and numbers with "Display" segment. In
grid spacing part, we decide the grid spacing.
You can write your functions this part that is showed wih star. In addition you
may see screening as polar, parametric and point. you can choose below part
that is shown.
Let's solve some examples;
I show that graph of " x^2-4" function. This is a function graph.
Now we display graph polar coordinates.
This is a polar graph.
And also we can plot graph of parametric equations;
Now we plot the points graphs;
Finally, we have learned that Fooplot website can graph function, polar,
points and parametric equations.
You can register what you draw and you can also share your drawing. ın addition,
you may add link your drawings.