10 Ocak 2014 Cuma



       I will introduce the Fooplot program. Fooplot is a mathematical program about 
    graphing calculator. I will explain you this program with various examples and show
    you what can we do with this program.

       It is very useful and beneficial mahematical software for students and teachers. 
    Fooplot is  used on the internet. 

       This is a free program. In other words, it does not require money for using this
          Using this program is very easy and enjoyable. It helps students to draw graphs
    easily while they are studying or doing homework. Teachers may use this website
    to teach graphs to teach graphs about types of functions.

         This picture is a free coordinate system in Fooplot. You can plot graphing of
       various functions on this part.

       We can change intervals of x-axis and y-axis with "window" part on this program.
     We can annihilate grid, axes, tick marks and numbers with "Display" segment. In
     grid spacing part, we decide the grid spacing.

         You can write your functions this part that is showed wih star. In addition you 
      may see screening as polar, parametric and point. you can choose below part
      that is shown.

              Let's solve some examples;

             I show that graph of " x^2-4" function. This is a function graph.

            Now we display graph polar coordinates.

             This is a polar graph.

              And also we can plot graph of parametric equations;

              Now we plot the points graphs;

           Finally, we have learned that Fooplot website can graph function, polar,
         points and parametric equations.

        You can register what you draw and you can also share your drawing. ın addition,
     you may add link your drawings.


                                            GRAPH SKETCH

         We will learn Graphsketch how to use. Graphsketch is a program that helps you 
    to draw various function graphs on the one coordinate system simultaneously.Each 
    function and its  graphs are different colours since we can distinguish the graphs easily.


Functions Parametric

     Enter Graph Equations:


      This picture shows you where write functions that you want to draw. In this program, 
    you write some equations in this blanks. After you press the search engine buttons 
    that have different colours, you can write some equations. Then, you select " plot"
    buton. and also you may delete the written equation while pressing to "reset
    equation" buton.



  •                            X Range:  to 
  •                            Y Range:  to 
  •                            X Tick Distance: 
  •                            Y Tick Distance: 
  •                            Label Every:  X ticks
  •                            Label Every:  Y ticks
  •                            Show Grid: 
  •                            Bold Labeled Gridlines: 
  •                            Function Width:  pixels
  •                            Image Size:  by  pixels

     Here is settings of the Graph sketch website. You can arrange your coordinate
     system that is drawn graphing of functions in this part. You can arrange interval
     x-axis and y-axis tick, distances and you can change the other settings.

         Now, I will show you some graphing examples.

         When you write "x+4"  in equation graph part and press the plot buton, you acces
       this graph. 

          Let's show f(x)=x^2-5  function graph;

           Moreover, I will plot a graphs that have more than one function.

          I show that graph of  2x+8 ,   x2-4 ,   x3 – 2x2 +1  function on same coordinate 
      system simultaneously.

         You see colourful graphs in this picture. You can match the function and graphs 
      as looking their colours.


To get:sin(x)cos(x)tan(x)asin(x)acos(x)atan(x)pi
To get:a^bsqrt(x)root(a,b)log(x)ln(x)exp(x)e

     You can write these type of functions and se their graphics. Thus, you can learn 
 different function graphics.

      Finally, let's watch a video about Graph Sketch program.

    If you want to download the Graph Sketch program, you may click the Graph Sketch 


         I will mention about Mathway mathematics program. Mathway is a very useful
    and easy program for teachers and students. The main topics of mathematics can 
    be found in this program. It includes all mathematics topics such as Basic Math,
    Pre-Algebra, Geometry,Trigonometry, Calculus, Statisics, Finite Math, Linear
    Algebra and Chemisry.

                                             Mathway - screenshot

         You can choose one of them and write your questions. After you press answer
      button you can see answerr your question.

         Let's begin solve different questions:

You can calculate all algebraic questions when you click the Algebra button. This
  button has conclude all algebra formulas and rules. You choose one of category top
of the page and then you write your question. When the press the answer button,
 you can see answer of the questions.

Now, I want to choose a Trigonometry question;

    You can draw a triangle and find this triangle's lengths of sides and angles.

For draw graphing, you should select the graph button left of the page.

You can draw one more graphic simultaneously on the same coordinate system. 
Each equation is diffrent colour bacause you don't confuse the graphs and equations.

Furthermore, Mathway website has worksheet part.

 In worksheet part, you can select various topics about mathematics and also
 create worksheet. Thus, the students can understand the mathematics topics easily.

Moreover, Mathway website conclude glossary part.

    In Glossary part in this program, you can find all terminologies about mathematics.
 You write a word in part of search glossary part. 

You can download Mathway website from

Let's watching a video abou Mathway website